Technology Summit in Diyarbakır

On April 18th, Thursday, Diyarbakır hosted a magnificent technology event. Organized by the Industrial Venture Platform, Diyarbakır Informatics Association, A10, Check Point, and the Cinema Researchers Culture and Art Association, the "From Tradition to Future Seminar with Netex" took place.

On April 18th, Thursday, Diyarbakır hosted a magnificent technology event. Organized by the Industrial Venture Platform, Diyarbakır Informatics Association, A10, Check Point, and the Cinema Researchers Culture and Art Association, the "From Tradition to Future Seminar with Netex" took place.

Halim AKIN, owner of Med Communication Software and President of Diyarbakır Informatics Association, Zülal KOÇ, Regional Manager of Index Group A.Ş. and Committee Member of TOBB TYM Workforce, and President of the Industrial Venture Platform, along with Doç. Dr. Zuhal AKMEŞE DEMİR, Chair of the Radio Television and Cinema Department at Dicle University, President of the Cinema Researchers Culture and Art Association, and Vice President of the Industrial Venture Platform, chaired the seminar. Representatives from Diyarbakır's significant companies and information technology experts from government institutions attended the seminar, organized in collaboration with the three associations and globally recognized companies A10 and Check Point.

The event, held in two sessions, began with a closed session involving technology dealers in the region. Following registration and lunch, the session with end-users commenced, featuring a presentation by Check Point Channel Manager Can Öksüzoğlu on SASE and OT security. Later, A10 Systems Engineer Mustafa Sercan Karaşahinoğlu delivered a presentation on A10 Networks' DDoS protection and load balancing technologies. The event concluded with the participants' questions being addressed.

Participants expressed the event's significant contribution to the crucial topic of data security. They emphasized the value of such events taking place in Diyarbakır for both the city and its companies.

Zülal KOÇ, Regional Manager of Index Group A.Ş., Committee Member of TOBB TYM Workforce, and President of the Industrial Venture Platform, announced plans for further activities regarding data security, indicating that this event was just the beginning.

Halim AKIN, owner of Med Communication Software and President of Diyarbakır Informatics Association, along with Doç. Dr. Zuhal AKMEŞE DEMİR, Chair of the Radio Television and Cinema Department at Dicle University, President of the Cinema Researchers Culture and Art Association, and Vice President of the Industrial Venture Platform, thanked Zülal Koç for her role in making the event happen. They expressed their commitment to continue working on communication and technology projects and announced plans for future events under the Digital Campus initiative, thanking all participants and companies involved in the successful organization. Zülal KOÇ concluded by emphasizing the importance of data protection for the future and shared her gratitude, assuring participants of their active involvement in many more successful initiatives.