1. He will be fair, honest, and trustworthy, treating all individuals equally without discrimination.
  2. He will act in accordance with ethical values ​​in his work and relationships. He will learn about the laws, regulations, and standards related to his profession and comply with them.
  3. He will not harm personal or institutional interests while using his professional knowledge, skills, and abilities.
  4. He will contribute to the enlightenment of society about information and information technology applications and the formation of necessary awareness in society.
  5. He will comply with the obligations and contracts he is bound by. He will take care of the confidentiality and protection of others' private information; He will respect people's private lives, dignity, and property rights.
  6. He will fully and accurately inform his customers about products and services, ensuring that all necessary documents and information required by laws and commerce are provided to the other party in the presentation of products and services. He will inform relevant parties about their interests related to his activities.
  7. He will not work with individuals and institutions about whom he suspects are engaged in dirty and dishonest activities.
  8. He will act meticulously to protect the rights and interests of business partners and individuals and institutions with whom he is in commercial relations, and will not engage in commercial activities that destroy their profits.
  9. He will not provide price information that ignores the dealer margin to end consumers.
  10. He will ensure that products and services are sold with a reasonable profit margin and will not try to gain unfair profit by undercutting prices against other sellers and colleagues. He will respect the rights of producers, patents, copyrights, and intellectual property rights; he will not engage in the sale of counterfeit products; he will oppose the unlicensed and pirate trade of software.
  11. He will not engage in commercial activities deemed unfair competition, will avoid monopolistic behaviors in the presentation of products and services, and will not use commercial advantages and superiority against colleagues and customers. He will respect the rights of consumers coming from laws and practices, and will not create customer grievances in warranty and after-sales service issues. He will adhere to the ethical rules of working life and protect the legal rights and interests of his employees.
  12. He will contribute to the professional development of his employees, encourage them in this regard, and ensure that they behave in accordance with basic ethical rules while fulfilling their sectoral, social, and personal responsibilities.

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